faq rehab aftercare relapse prevention


FAQ. Frequently asked questions. Here are a list of questions which we get frequently asked.

  • Do you come to our house?

NO, Everything is done over the phone or video conferencing.

  • Do we pay VAT on the price?

NO, There is no VAT on medical products.

  • How much experience do you have in this field?

Our member of staff Phil has 15 years experience.

  • Why is it so cheap?

Because we want to help people at a price which covers our costs.

  • Are the prices fixed?

Yes. Nobody offers a service like this one, for this price, anywhere in the in the UK

  • Do we need to do treatment with you, to use this aftercare service?

No, Anyone can use it.

  • Can I change the time of the hours I am offered?

Yes, We will do the hours which suites you.

  • Is it a premium rate phone number?

No, and we are happy to call you.

If you have anymore questions. Please call our aftercare team on Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)