How it works

how it works. Rehab aftercare relapse prevention

How it works

How it works. Aftercare relapse prevention. This is how it works. Our coach will call you at a time that suits you, so I can get to know the coach who will be working with you, and the coach can see how you are feeling after your detox programme. Our coach will guide you through everything, so as  you feel comfortable through the steps in your relapse prevention programme, and progress through the recovery pathway without any worries. Our coach will have a discussion with you about which programme you want, and what we will do to support you through your Journey with us.

Our coach will go over the programme you choose, so you know what it will cover, and that you understand the basics of the course. We can adapt the programme if you have any concerns. Relapse prevention and Recovery is a positive step towards having a great new life, and we will support you through this journey. Remember you are not alone. We are with you every step of the way. For more information, or to book an aftercare programme. Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)

Our most popular programme

We are offering 4 programmes starting from £495. The programme below is our most popular programme. Other programmes will suite different individuals, as we all have different needs. For more information, or to book an aftercare programme. Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours).

Aftercare Programme 4 – £1,295   (Most popular programme)

1st Week 5x 30 mins phone calls or Video Calls a week Calls times tailored to your choice
2nd Week 5x 30 mins phone calls or Video Calls a week Calls times tailored to your choice
3rd Week 5x 30 mins phone calls or Video Calls a week Calls times tailored to your choice


The programmes

The programmes consist of a presentation that is shared with you online, or if you decide you don’t wish to do this online. I can send you a link so have access to the programme.  Each week we go through the process together, remember this is your programme and recovery, so we can look at adapting it to suit your plan.

Over the weeks we will cover:

Week 1 
What is a relapse, Effects of substance abuse, identifying triggers. Guilt & shame, emotional Numbness & despair.
Week 2 
Addiction cycle & the 6  coping strategies
Week 3 
After 3 week you will get a copy of the workshop sent to you so they can access it at anytime.
3 Pillars of recovery & what is recovery  Your relapse prevention plan, safety planning & awareness by the end of the course you will have your plan.
We will also cover Questions Answers & information about community or online recovery groups, 12 step meetings, Alcoholics anonymous, Cocaine anonymous, Narcotics anonymous and Gambling anonymous. For more information, or to book an aftercare programme. Tel: 07811 606 606 (24 hours).